Our Story

Driven by years of firsthand experience in the hiring industry and a deep understanding of the needs of multinational corporations, we recognized the demand for a modern, evidence-based staffing solution that caters to the fast-paced hiring landscape.

With this vision in mind, Aastral inc was born. Our mission is to empower industries with the right resources, providing them with a cutting-edge staffing solution that is rooted in data-driven practices and forward-thinking strategies.

What we believe


Recruitment only works when all stakeholders come together with the same goal.


With a No ‘Cold Call’ ethos we trade on our reputation to deliver results.


We apply the same principles that we were founded on to solve recruitment challenges.

Keep What we Believe Session as It Is

Unlike others, we don't sell candidates or jobs. Instead, we foster relationships and embrace the concept of 'organic hiring' to create stronger, long-lasting engagements. With our custom technology, sensible fee model, and direct access to candidates, we see ourselves more as a dating agency, facilitating meaningful connections in the hiring process.

Who we work with

Renowned for our track record of delivering exceptional results, our consultants have worked as the preferred talent finders for over 500 clients across various industries. The clientele ranges from dynamic tech start-ups to established global brands, all of whom share a common expectation for top-notch service and exceptional talent. Whether it's business owners seeking to hire a couple of individuals annually or internal recruiting teams in need of filling over 200 positions per year, we have capability to provide the right resources to cater to the unique requirements of the IT, Aviation, and Technology sectors